How to Replace the Cylinder & Piston on a Stihl TS410 Disc Cutter | L&S Engineers

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In this video, we show you how to change a Cylinder and Piston on a Stihl TS410. Click here for a full list of parts, tools & transcript!

How to get your TS410 Down to a short engine video –


Non Genuine Cylinder & Piston Assy for Stihl TS410, TS420 Disc Cutters
Genuine Cylinder & Piston Assy for Stihl TS410 TS420 Disc Cutter – 4238 020 1207
N/G Recoil Assy for Stihl TS410 TS420 Disc Cutter – Replaces 4238 190 0302
N/G Exhaust Silencer for Stihl TS410 Disc Cutters – Replaces: 4238 140 0610
Non Gen Clutch for Stihl TS400, TS410, TS420 – 4238 160 2002

Genuine Torx Wrench/Plug Spanner for Stihl TS410 TS420
Piston Stop Tool for Stihl TS350, TS360, TS410, TS420 Chainsaws
FAITHFULL 42 Piece 1/4″ Socket & Screwdriver Bit Set in Storage Case

Health & Safety Warning Please ensure that you have safely prepared the machine and workspace. If you are unsure about any aspect of the task please seek professional advice.


Today we’re going to change the Cylinder and Piston on a Stihl TS410 Disc Cutter. To do this you need to get the machine down to a short engine. We have linked our video on how to do this in the description below. Once that’s done you can continue with this tutorial. Using a 13mm spanner loosen the decompression valve. You can now completely free the valve by screwing it off by hand. Turn the short engine upside down. Remove the four screws based in the crankcase to detach the cylinder from the machine using a torx spanner. When doing this, take note of which way the cylinder is facing as this will have to be placed back in the same way. This will then reveal the cylinder gasket. Remove the gasket by hand. As you’re taking it off, make a note of how the gasket is placed. Once the gasket is off, use a pair of pliers and remove the spring which sits inside the piston. Now that is removed, use a tool to help push out the piston pin, carefully free this from the machine. Then finally remove the needle bearing which sits within the crank, make sure you don’t loose these components. Before fitting the piston, it’s good practice to lubricate the crank with some oil. This can help the machine run smoother. Then place the needle bearing through the crankshat, again lubricate it with some oil. When placing the piston back in position, you need make sure the arrow is pointing towards where the exhaust will be fitted. Place the piston over the crank and turn the engine on its side. While on its side push the pin through the centre of the piston. Then using the pliers, place the piston spring back into position. Ensure that the springs is secure and in the correct position. Now, place the new cylinder gasket in position. Once in position you are ready to put the cylinder back on the machine. However, before doing this you must ensure the gaps in both of the piston rings are centred around the marks on the piston. As a tip use some oil to lubricate the piston before placing the cylinder over it. Make sure the piston rings are in the correct position,Now place the Cylinder on top of the piston, ensuring it is the correct way. The exhaust port should be facing the way the arrow is pointing on the piston. Which is where the exhaust will be seated. Once it’s on the machine push it down and turn the crank to make it more secure. While holding the cylinder, turn the machine upside down. Now using a torx spanner screw in the four screws to secure the cylinder and piston in place. Make sure it’s secure. That’s how you change a Cylinder and Piston on a stihl TS410 Disc cutter.

If you have any issues, questions or would like to talk to our customer service team please visit our website. Please note L&S is a UK based trading company, please see our website for information on delivery to other countries.

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Pulverizador Stihl SR 200

SR 200| Atomizador muy ligero, con un peso de tan sólo 7,9 kg. Mayor comodidad, gracias al bajo centro de gravedad, muy próximo al cuerpo. Recomendado para plantaciones de máx. 2,5 m de altura.
Cilindrada cm³ 27.2
Potencia_ CV 1.1
Volumen del depósito cm³ 1.100
Peso kg 1) 7.8
 Potencia sonora dB(A) 104
Vibraciones derecha m/s² 2) 1.5
Capacidad tanque de pulverización l 10
Caudal máximo de aire m³/h 3) 780
Alcance horizontal m 9
1) Sin combustible, completo 2) Factor K según Directiva 2006/42/CE = 2 m/s² 3) Sin boquillas El programa de suministro puede variar en cada país. Reservado el derecho a introducir modificaciones en la técnica, equipamiento y accesorios. Home / Fumigadoras/Pulverizadores / Profesionales/Agrícolas / SR 200 Tags: Agrícolas, Cilindrada cm³ 27.2, Fumigadoras, Peso kg 7.8, Potencia_ CV 1.1, Profesionales, Pulverizadores, SR 200

Motosierra Stihl MS 660

MS 660 | Motosierra potente, de uso intensivo para corte forestal de arboleda grande y madera dura, peso muy favorable en relación a la potencia, cuenta doble tope de garras para mejor manejo, sistema ElastoStart y válvula de descompresión, freno de cadena QuickStop de activación automática, mando confortable unificado multifuncional para el arranque, servicio y parada del equipo, sistema de filtro de larga duración con compensador y cierres de depósitos accionables sin herramienta.
Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 91.6
Potencia (CV/kW) 7.0/5.6
Paso de cadena 3/8"
Peso (kg) 7.3*
Longitud de corte (cm) 50, 63, 70, 75, 90
Longitud de corte (in) 20, 25, 28, 30, 36
*Sin espada y cadena Home / Motosierras / Profesional y Forestales / MS 660 Tags:7.1 hp, Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 91.6, Motosierras, MS 660, Peso (kg) 7.3, Potencia (CV/kW) 7.0/5.6, Profesional y forestales

Sopladora Stihl BR 420

BR 420 | Soplador de mochila ligero y de constucción compacta, lo que le proporciona bajo peso y un centro de gravedad bajo. Empuñadura multifuncional, con placa del espadar y cinturón acolchados.
Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 56.5
Peso (kg) 9.1
Depósito de combustible (L) 1.5
Fuerza de soplado (N) 28
Velocidad máxima del aire (m/s) 78
Paso de aire (mᵌ/h) 890
Volúmen de aire máximo (mᵌ/h) 1260
Home / Sopladoras / De mochila / BR 420 Tags: Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 56.5, de mochila, Depósito de combustible (L) 1.5, Peso (kg) 9.1, Sopladora, Sopladoras

Multi-Herramienta Stihl KA 85 R

KA 85 R| Ligero y potente motor Combi con manillar cerrado, para todo tipo de trabajos. De fácil transporte y almacenamiento. Práctico acople rápido que permite montar y desmontar las herramientas Combi con toda rapidez y comodidad. Equipo con bajo peso y excelente balance, Sistema antivibración que facilita el trabajo, con mando multifuncional con acelerador, bloqueo de acelerador e interruptor para arranque, servicio y parada.
Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 25.4
Potencia (CV/kW) 1.2/0.95
Peso (kg) 5.3
Home / Multi-Herramienta / KA 85 R Tags: Cilindrada (cmᵌ) 25.4, KA 85 R, Multi-herramienta, Peso (kg) 5.3, Potencia (CV/kW) 1.2/0.95

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